Program increments are time periods defined by you and a key component to structuring your programme delivery timeline in BigAgile.
Creating a Program Increment (PI)
You can create a Program Increment at any time by accessing the Admin view -> Program Increments -> Add PI, and populating the following fields:
1. Add PI Name: give your PI a name. π‘Tip: We recommend using a simple convention, which will make it quick and easy to track and manage your PIs. We call ours 'PI-1; PI-2; PI-3...'
2. Select a PI Status: There are 3 options here:
Planning means the Program increment is in planning mode
Active means the Program increment is in delivery mode
Complete means the Program increment has finished
3. Connector: select the task management tool integration <<link to integrations setup>> you would like to sync your Features and Teams with for this PI. If you haven't already done so, here's how to setup an integration
4. Jira Proj key: specify the key of the Jira Project you would like BigAgile to sync with. π‘Tip: This is typically a short abbreviation in capitals (e.g. ABC), which you can locate by logging into Jira-> Projects-> Search Project and finding the corresponding key in the 'Key' column.
5. Sprints: here, you can add Sprints to your PI, give them names, and specify a time-frame for each sprint. π‘Tip: Remember the simple naming convention we used for our PIs? You can apply this to our Sprints too - e.g. there are 6 Sprints in our PI-1, so we call them 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6. Our Sprints for PI-2 are called 2.1, 2.2, so on)
6. Teams: When making a PI, the teams which have been created in Admin > Teams are added. In the PI, you can create and map team sprints too. π‘If there is a team you don't want to use in the PI, the solution is to simply not map any sprints for it.
Here is an example of Mapped Sprints in a team.
Here is an example of Unmapped Sprints in a team. These will not appear in the PI.
π‘The sprints in the dropdown menu come from Azure DevOps, or Jira. These are mapped to BigAgile sprints.
7. Select Save & Post to confirm your changes.
Let's look at a typical example for an organisation which works in 3-month PIs, each 6 Sprints long (2 week Sprints) ...
As you start preparing for PI-1, you would create the PI in BigAgile with a status of 'Planning'. You would typically then get the Candidate Features ready for PI Planning. Throughout the PI planning event, PI-1 stays in 'planning' mode.
At the end of the PI planning event, when the plan is finalised, you would change the status of PI-1 to 'Active'. This takes a snapshot of the plan, which then becomes your Original Plan of the PI, which will feed into valuable reports like the Current vs Original << screenshot of delivery screens, highlighting the current/original toggle >> . All throughout the six delivery Sprints, the PI status remains as 'Active'.
Once delivery is complete for a PI, the status should be changed to 'Complete'.