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WSJF Prioritisation in BigAgile
WSJF Prioritisation in BigAgile

Prioritisation of features by WSJF in BigAgile

Written by Swaran Dosanjh
Updated over a year ago

In BigAgile, feature priority can be determined by a number of things but the most common is a WSJF score. WSJF scores are automatically calculated once values have been assigned to the underlying elements; namely Business Value, Risk Reduction, Time Criticality and Job Size.

💡Tip: WSJF scores can be assigned in the Prioritisation screen, or during the creation/edit of a feature in the Product > Features screen.

Prioritisation screen

The Prioritisation screen allows you to view a list of your features and assign WSJF values easily.

Upon arriving at the Prioritisation screen, you will see an ordered list of all the features in the selected program. By default, this list is sorted in descending order by WSJF score but you can change this by clicking on the column headers.

For example, to sort by the highest Cost of Delay, you would click on the 'COD' column heading to sort in ascending or descending order.

Filtering the list of Features

BigAgile allows you to filter the list of Features in the Prioritisation screen using a variety of fields to best help you with your prioritisation exercise.

The options are Programme, Team, Feature Stage, Product and Feature Owner. These filters are additive so you can use a combination of them to get to the desired list of Features.

For example, you might want to only see Features in Analysis/Backlog/Candidate, for a specific product, assigned to one owner.

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